The disintegration of Afghanistan is an ancient dream that the enemies of this land have been trying to realize for years, spending a lot of money in the process, in order to be able to divide the Afghan nation and dominate this proud land.
This flawed plan was previously presented by individuals such as Robert Blackwill, the former U.S. ambassador to India, Peter Galbraith, the former deputy special representative of the United Nations in Afghanistan and other prominent foreign and domestic figures.
The implementation of this destructive plan gained momentum when the republican regime, despite the cooperation of the U.S. and other Western countries, failed to succeed over the course of twenty years in meeting the genuine demand of the Afghan people, which was the establishment of an Islamic system. Therefore, the partition plan for Afghanistan was repeatedly proposed by both domestic and foreign figures as a reliable solution.
A solution that, in reality, marked the end of the ancient history and culture of this land and initiated even darker days compared to the time of the Republic.
This unfortunate mission was carried on the shoulders of groups of evil and corruption and infamous warlords over the years, and they made countless efforts to realize this plan.
If yesterday the warlords were trying to disintegrate Afghanistan by forming ethnic and sectarian parties and taking steps dictated by foreign powers, today the same people are pursuing their malicious desires under the banner of the Khorasan demand.
Those who left Afghanistan after the looting and pillaging, and now when the people of this land are living in unprecedented peace, prosperity, and unity, are chanting the Khorasan demand and calling for the division of this country.
But they may have forgotten that their poisonous ambition, even when they were at the helm of power in Afghanistan and had the support of the Western world and America, faced resistance from the people and never reached the stage of implementation. Now, how can they expect such a futile idea to be realized when they have neither power nor dignity and status left?
Yes! The great nation of Afghan soil, regardless of their ethnicity and lineage, now stands side by side and spares no effort in the reconstruction of their country; that unity and pact have awakened from the dreams of the groups of evil and corruption and have thwarted their sinister plans.
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