Writer: Salman Bawar

History has proven that since the day Britain created the geography called Pakistan in the heart of Asia, this region and its people have not seen a good life. For the past four decades, Pakistan has set ablaze the Pashtun tribal areas to fill the belly of its master, bombed homes, mosques, and schools, abducted young men and sold women like Aafia Siddiqui to America.

They neither felt ashamed nor did the so-called Pashtuns sitting in the parliament, who consider themselves the true heirs of the Pashtuns, rise up, nor did they condemn the ongoing barbarities of the Punjabi state. On the contrary, they pointed out to the Punjabi state those regions and people who were genuinely concerned about the Pashto language and the Pashtuns.

The Pakistani administration, which is currently facing a severe economic crisis and sees no other way to obtain funds from the world, has started dropping bombs on the tribes that have been forcibly sold and condemned by this very state until today.

Last night, the Pakistani state dropped bombs on sleeping children, women and elderly people in Waziristan, but this is not the first time. Throughout history, they have used these regions to fill the bellies of the agents sitting on the throne of the Punjabi state and to collect money from the world.

Heavy attacks are being carried out by the Pakistani Taliban and Baloch separatists on Punjabi militias, causing them to flee and facing severe defeats in every direct confrontation. Now, they are unleashing their fury on those innocent children and women who spend every moment of their lives in regret and longing for education and a better life, or on those elderly men who cannot get out of bed but nurture hopes and dreams for their little children in their hearts and eyes.

The Pakistani state has shown through this attack that they do not recognize any religion, culture, language, or value and the people who raise and lower the Light in the parliament are their tools, as they have never raised their voice against these atrocities and massacres, nor condemned the sacrifice of tribes for the pleasure of a few.

Every seat is checked for cricket matches in Lahore, but in Waziristan, the heads of children and women are severed. What kind of logic and reason is this and what kind of discipline and principle is this!? Women, children and the elderly who are asleep in the dark of night are killed together in Gaza, and then again in the oppressed Waziristan, where neither the false humanitarians nor the so-called United Nations organization have uttered a word. The ongoing barbarism and oppression in Gaza and the tribal areas are not justifiable at all.

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