According to documents received by the Hindu Kush Voice, during the time of the fallen republic, the governor of Balkh, Atta Mohammad Noor, who had extensive power in the northern part of the country, used state facilities in Balkh province to promote false narratives and propaganda against the Taliban.

These documents have been leaked at a time when politicians and former officials, including Ata Mohammad Noor, who were skilled in the destruction of public assets, repeatedly accused the Taliban of enmity and destruction of public properties. Each time, they attributed the destruction of schools, bridges, and public assets to this movement. However, the reality was that the destruction of public assets was carried out by the officials of the fallen republic for the purpose of creating a false narrative.

The Taliban movement, which currently holds power over the entire country and has established a caretaker government, began its struggle against traitors in the early days of its movement. From the very beginning, its struggle had a popular character. When the U.S. and its allies occupied Afghanistan, the Taliban movement, due to popular involvement and support, engaged in armed struggle throughout the country.

The Taliban’s war had taken on a sacred hue, which is why it was widely supported by the Afghan faithful and Mujahid people in all regions. This support challenged the United States, NATO, and the Kabul administration on the battlefield, leading to the eventual collapse of the twenty-year regime. However, the only way foreign forces and internal mercenaries could ensure their survival to some extent was through the creation of a false narrative and propaganda against the Taliban.

During the fallen republic, all means and tools were used for propaganda, but the destruction of public assets, especially schools, for the purpose of propaganda was an unforgivable crime and an unforgettable betrayal of Afghanistan. History will record such crimes of the dark faces of the fallen republic in its pages, and they will be recognized as traitors to this land.

The unforgettable betrayals of the fleeing officials with national wealth still linger in the minds of the people. These criminals will never be allowed to extend their shadow of dominance over the country again with the help of foreign powers, nor will they be permitted to loot, plunder, and destroy national wealth.

The fleeing politicians and officials have become detested because of their wrongful actions; no matter how much they promote themselves positively abroad, they will not find a place and will not be able to win the hearts of the Afghan people.

Note: The articles, essays, and comments published in Hindukush Voice only reflect the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the agreement of Hindukush Voice.

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