Writer: Ahmad Naveed Nayab

After the takeover of the caretaker government in Afghanistan, some members of the fallen republic, who fled the country out of fear of their actions, occasionally hold meetings, devise plans, and create strategies under various titles in foreign countries, seeking deceptive interpretations of their misguided dreams to regain power.

They, who have their hopes pinned on the international community, especially on the United States and Western countries, focus primarily on how to portray the current situation in Afghanistan as dire and the people as discontented, spread rumors of deep divisions among the senior officials of the caretaker government, and thus provide themselves with false reassurance.

Although such gatherings in foreign countries have always been subject to the intensity of their internal conflicts, the question remains whether these gatherings, plots, and plans can succeed!?
Here are a few points that can answer this question.

The Stance of America: Although the expatriate opponents relied on the current U.S. President Donald Trump and hoped that Trump would change America’s policy regarding Afghanistan and directly support us, Trump dashed their hopes. He even mockingly left a YouTuber’s question unanswered, indicating that discussions about Afghanistan are not important to him.

Change in International Politics: It is a mistake to expect that international politics will change in the short term, shifting focus back to Afghanistan from Ukraine and the Middle East. There is no sign that international politics is inclined to change for a single reason and alter the field of implementation.

Internal Support: Suppose a foreign country extends a helping hand to the questioners of the country’s re-sovereignty, but these repetitive and tested faces cannot gain any support within the country, because during the time of the fallen republic’s sovereignty, their true faces of corruption and treachery were revealed to everyone under the guise of democracy, social justice, human rights, and inclusivity, making any explanation unnecessary.

Political Power: If the plans of the opposing groups are merely political efforts, on one hand, the caretaker government has maintained its power and stability, and on the other hand, the political consciousness of the opponents has been frightened by the specters of defeat and fear. It is unclear how and when they will gain strength against the caretaker government and how they will organize themselves.

The above points are what we can confidently say, no matter how many plans and strategies the opponents of the caretaker government in Afghanistan devise, no matter how many meetings they hold abroad, all possible paths to regain power have been blocked, and all their efforts, excuses, and pleas to the international community are in vain.

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