Writer: Usmani

There is no doubt that ISIS is an American and Israeli intelligence project, whose main goal is to pave the way for the creation of Greater Israel in the Middle East and to eliminate the factors of resistance against the United States and the Zionist regime throughout the Islamic world.

In the Islamic Ummah, religious conflicts, the eradication of jihadist thought and fighters, the discrediting of the Islamic system and caliphate, presenting a negative image of Islam to non-Muslims, the excommunication of Muslims, and the destruction of Islam’s historical and cultural identity are the main objectives that the United States has achieved through the ISIS group.

In this article, we will read about the similarities and unity of purpose between ISIS and the Zionist regime in the context of erasing the historical identity of the Middle East. At the end of the article, you can judge for yourself how skillfully the United States creates proxy groups in the Islamic world under various names and then implements its plans and schemes through them.

ISIS’s efforts to erase the historical significance of the Middle East:

In addition to other atrocities and crimes against the people in the areas they occupied in Iraq and Syria, ISIS also destroyed historical buildings and artifacts under the pretext of fighting polytheism and innovation. The historical cities of Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq were particularly affected by their destruction. The Mosque of Prophet Jonah, the Mosque of Prophet Seth, the Nuri Mosque from the time of Nur al-Din Zangi, the Sultan al-Wis Mosque, the Gate and Wall of the Assyrians, the historical castle of Tal Afar, and the historical city of Nimrud related to Mosul are places that ISIS destroyed during its fake caliphate.

Like their other acts of destruction and terror, ISIS fabricated justifications for this act to hide their true face from the people.

Here are some important points to note:

1- ISIS has targeted historical buildings and artifacts related to Islam and Islamic eras in the areas under its control, while in Iraq and Syria, during the time of the Companions and the Islamic caliphates, they did not do this, nor did the scholars of the Salaf of the Ummah issue any fatwa regarding the destruction of these artifacts.

Visiting historical sites for the sake of reflection is an important task:

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: (قُلۡ سِيرُواْ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَٱنظُرُواْ كَيۡفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبۡلُۚ كَانَ أَكۡثَرُهُم مُّشۡرِكِينَ).
Translation: [O Prophet! (Peace be upon him)!] Say to them, “Travel through the land and observe how was the end of those before [you]. Most of them were polytheists.”

If we provide an example of Pharaoh’s body, Allah says:
(فَالْيَوْمَ نُنَجِّيكَ بِبَدَنِكَ لِتَكُونَ لِمَنْ خَلْفَكَ آيَةً وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ النَّاسِ عَنْ آيَاتِنَا لَغَافِلُونَ).
Translation: “So today We will save you in body, that you may be a sign for those who come after you. And indeed, many among mankind are heedless of Our signs.

Pharaoh’s body was raised from the water by Allah for the people to take heed, and it remains in Egypt to this day. Egypt was conquered under the leadership of Amr ibn al-As, may Allah be pleased with him, during the caliphate of Omar, may Allah be pleased with him. Since then, no one has detonated bombs on Pharaoh’s body or targeted those who view it. It is clear that ISIS considers itself more pious and the best servants of Allah than anyone else.

According to their ideology, ISIS justifies the destruction of historical sites from the pre-Islamic era or the presence of tombs within the Mosque of Yunus as a means to eliminate remnants of the Jahiliyyah period, as well as centers of polytheism and innovation.

Now the question is, why did you destroy the mosque built by Nur al-Din Zangi (the Nuri Mosque)? The Zangi family is well-remembered by Muslims and Crusaders alike; those Zangis who stood against the Crusader invasions of the entire Islamic world and whose rule was the only address for the liberation of Jerusalem. Salahudin Ayyubi was a soldier trained by Nur al-Din Zangi and his deputy in Egypt.

It is clear that ISIS destroyed the monument and the mosque of Nur al-Din Zangi to please the Crusaders. If they had the means, they would have certainly bombed the tombs of Nur al-Din Zangi and Salahudin Ayyubi, may Allah have mercy on them.

It is strange that Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi announced his caliphate from the pulpit of this very mosque in 2014 to attract the attention of Muslims, as the Islamic community holds Nur al-Din Zangi in great respect. However, in 2017, when the caliphate claimants were convinced of their defeat, they revealed their true face and their animosity towards the mosques of the Islamic community became apparent and began with the destruction of another mosque. Even now, the primary targets of their attacks are mosques and schools.

Now, let us see how Israel, after ISIS, tried to erase the historical identity of the region in the Middle East, especially in its neighborhood, and set the initial conditions for implementing its sinister plan (creating Greater Israel).

The Jews believe that they must destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque, build the Temple of Solomon in its place, and establish a Jewish state (Greater Israel) from the Nile to the Euphrates, which will rule the entire world from this region. This goal is also depicted on their flag, with two blue lines on the edges representing the Nile and Euphrates rivers and the Star of David in the center, symbolizing the Jewish state and dominion.

Targeting historical sites and mosques in Gaza and Lebanon by Israel:

Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories hold a significant position due to their geographical connection between the great continents of Africa and Asia, and their location on the Mediterranean coast, linking maritime routes between Europe and Asia. Throughout history, they have witnessed numerous civilizations. On the other hand, Lebanon, due to its strategic location, is no less significant than occupied Palestine. Some cities in this country, such as Beirut, Baalbek, Tyre, and others, have historical antiquity ranging from three thousand to four thousand years. Accordingly, various historical artifacts from different historical periods and empires are present in these regions. The historical city of Baalbek in Lebanon has more historical artifacts than others, most of which are attributed to the Phoenicians, Byzantines, Seljuks, Ayyubids, Crusaders, Mongols, Mamluks, and Ottomans.

According to Al Jazeera reports, the Zionist regime has completely destroyed 850 mosques and partially destroyed 151 mosques in Gaza during the course of 2024. Additionally, it has demolished 19 historical tombs and 3 historical churches in the region. During this period, 20 mosques in the West Bank have also been attacked and partially destroyed.

Based on the media’s documented reports, the Zionist regime has targeted 28 historical sites in four cities of Lebanon (Beirut, Baalbek, Tyre, and Bekaa) through bombardments, causing significant damage in some areas. The city of Baalbek, which is far from the borders of occupied Palestine and has no significant Hezbollah center or weapons depot, was asked by the Zionist regime during the war to evacuate and relocate to other places. In front of the historical Baalbek citadel, there was a historical building from the Ottoman era, which the Zionist regime destroyed on February 7, 2024, through bombardment. Additionally, it has partially destroyed historical churches related to the Maronite, Orthodox, and Catholic religions in the city, which have been there for thousands of years.

A noteworthy point:
In Christianity, there are three major sects: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. Most followers of the Protestant faith are based in Britain and America. This religious group believes, as a result of a Jewish conspiracy, that when a Jewish state is established in Palestine, Christ will return to Earth according to their belief. Therefore, Britain established the Jewish state and now jointly maintains and nurtures it with America.

A brief commentary on the above text:
Zionists are engaged in a comprehensive struggle to create Greater Israel in the Middle East and the Levant, which includes erasing the historical and cultural identity of the region. Recently, media affiliated with the Zionist regime published a map showing two Jewish states from three thousand years ago, clearly indicating the Jewish historical claim to the region.

The occupying regime and its allies destroy historical artifacts in Palestine because Palestine, or ancient Canaan, is fundamentally the historical homeland of the Palestinians. Various civilizations have passed through here throughout history, and the existence of these civilizations’ artifacts in itself disproves Israel’s claim to the region, particularly to Palestine. Similarly, the historical identity of Lebanon, Syria, and other countries in the region is targeted according to the Zionists’ maps.

Accordingly, the Zionist regime, with the help of Protestants, seeks to challenge the historical identity of Muslims and some other minorities, who are the original inhabitants of the region, and for this nefarious purpose, it even destroys historical artifacts related to the Orthodox and Catholic religions, which date back to periods before the blessed religion of Islam. At that time, the Eastern Roman Empire, which had Christianity as its official religion, ruled over the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan).

Now we come to another aspect of the topic, which is the complete destruction of the region’s historical identity by ISIS, just like the Zionist regime, with the only difference being that the Zionist regime does this under the pretext of eliminating its opponents, while ISIS does it under the guise of eradicating signs and effects of polytheism and innovation.

Since its emergence and the declaration of its fake caliphate, ISIS has committed numerous wars, killings, and atrocities, primarily targeting Mujahideen, scholars, and ordinary Muslims. Therefore, it is not surprising that this group aims to erase the historical identity of Muslims and colludes with the Zionist regime in this regard.

The Zionist regime reacts swiftly to every issue in the Middle East, to the extent that it bombed all military centers and weapon depots in Syria after the rise of Tahrir al-Sham, but it did not react even in the media when the ISIS caliphate emerged in Syria and Iraq.

In short, ISIS has used the theory of Takfir to justify the killing of Muslims, and similarly, it has exploited the names of polytheism and innovation to erase the historical identity and culture of Muslims, which can only be attributed to a Jewish conspiracy.

We do not say that all Daesh members are in contact with Israel and the United States, but the cause and source of the fitna is a Jewish conspiracy. Within the framework of the Daesh project and in line with the Khawarij methodology, it is being advanced in coordination with certain intelligence agencies of the United States and the region through connections with specific and key individuals of the fake caliphate.

Daesh uses in its attacks those individuals who are unaware of religious knowledge, emotional, and influenced by the deceptive propaganda of the Khawarij through the internet. Most of them are young people from Islamic countries where there is a ban on religion and religiosity, and secular governments are in power.

Note: The articles, essays, and comments published in Hindukush Voice only reflect the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the agreement of Hindukush Voice.

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