Writer: Kamran Zahin

The turmoil of the fallen republic reached and spread to everyone and everywhere, but the female population was targeted more than anyone else in the series of upheavals. When the Americans first established a democratic system in Afghanistan, they began appointing warlords, gunmen, infamous, and sinister figures to the system. This group of people was already accused of international crimes, sexual offenses, smuggling, theft, and murder. The version of the republic brought by the Americans did not work for the Afghans either. After twenty years, the Americans withdrew, and the republic fell.

People who were accused of oppressing women were appointed at the head of the regime. How could these people grant women’s rights!? The Americans had sinister goals; they first introduced new ideas and theories under the guise of women’s rights to the female population, so that women would abandon their modesty and chastity, come out into the open, and be used in society as they are in Western societies.

During the Republic, women were given every freedom in the name of rights, freedoms that Islam forbids. The founders of the Republic sought to eliminate the distance between men and women and provide a shared and boundless life like in the West, and they implemented this among the Republicans. In the name of granting rights to women, they established a Ministry of Women’s Affairs, which became a major center for corruption and immorality. Under the pretext of granting rights to women, they opened public centers for dancing and singing in front of men on stage. Under the guise of granting rights to women, they seated women alongside men in Parliament, the National Assembly, the media, delegations, large gatherings, and councils.

The Republic exposed women in the name of women’s rights and removed the Islamic hijab and veil that Islamic and Afghan society had provided. Officials at the ministerial level were involved in sexual cases, and special departments were established within the police and judicial system to investigate women’s cases. These case handlers, when they went to the courts, would face a greater trial there, as judges would have more and more demands for resolving the case, with some even proposing marriage and other relationships. In educational institutions, students, who are considered children of their teachers, were not safe, and due to shame, social restrictions, and being shamed, many victims remained silent.

Now these same individuals are shouting about women’s rights abroad, those who had wasted women’s rights more than anyone else and had launched many projects to secure women’s rights; unfortunately, those who were very oppressive towards women now consider themselves the greatest defenders of women’s rights. The people and dear sisters must be vigilant so as not to fall prey to these sellouts once again.

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