At the beginning days of the American occupation, they presented a program for astray women at the “Kabul Cinema” in Kabul, even before the cinema floor was cleared of dust and debris. American soldiers and officers had widely gathered at this cinema. The opening of this cinema at that time carried an important message: that America would promote this kind of culture even after establishing its presence here.
The Westerners understand that the corruption of women is the corruption of the entire society and their reform is the reform of the entire society. They targeted the heavy segment of society (women) and established an official ministry in the previous government under the name of women’s affairs. This ministry was a trap of colorful nets, created by the Westerners in Afghanistan to capture women and promote Western culture among them. They appointed women who were alien to Islamic and Afghan culture in that ministry to implement the West’s programs and plans for corrupting women in Afghanistan.
Over the course of twenty years, among the women of Afghanistan, no specialized women emerged in the necessary fields under the guise of education. If any did emerge, they were secular, fast-talking and semi-nude journalists, singers and artists in the Western mold, who were appointed in social and public spaces with the intent of corrupting society, to lead it astray.
When the forces of truth defeated falsehood and the occupation ended, these secular women were running after the occupiers’ planes, even though the occupiers were disgusted by them and did not want to transfer this corrupt class, which was trained by international criminals to corrupt a specific region (Afghanistan), to Western societies, because these shameless corrupt women are the cause of disorder and chaos in those societies.
Most of these corrupt women who still remain in the country, under the guise of female protesters, try to remind their masters of their service times and attract the attention of international criminals, claiming that we are the leftover individuals from your group and gang; the protesters portray themselves as victims of deprivation, sexual harassment, the lack of individual freedom (!) and other titles and want to once again throw themselves into the lap of the West.
Many female protesters, by promoting propaganda slogans against the caretaker government, seek acceptance and residence abroad and then aim to lead a secular life in the West through case-making. For this purpose, they sometimes create propaganda noise and express their opposition to the caretaker government.
Behind the protesting women, some foreign circles also try to make false propaganda against the caretaker government through them, as they have been defeated on the battlefield. Now, only the psychological and propaganda battlefield remains and they fight on this battlefield through sold-out project women. However, this tactic and these figures fail because even stronger projects and tactics have failed in the country.
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