Writer: Abdul Rauf Karimi

It has been nearly four years since the fall of the Republic in Afghanistan and the flight of most or all opponents to foreign countries, yet we still hear rumors and whispers from certain known individuals about taking the country in an unknown direction. They spread poison about the current situation and create a tumultuous atmosphere in the media.

Even though Afghanistan has not yet been recognized by the international community with its caretaker government, some opponents believe they have a slight opportunity or a glimmer of hope to showcase their futile words and can have a minimal impact on current events, potentially causing a negative incident.

There is no doubt that being on the wrong side and associating with bad company has led to their delusions and fantasies, as if appearing on media platforms with a mouth full of empty words provides them a chance to stand tall, searching for a way back with hopeless looks but ambiguous words.

But if we don’t overlook the truth, first and foremost, the leaders of the opposition, who were at the forefront of the fleeing ones during the fall and left the country at night under the darkness of the homeland’s sky, abandoning their companions and colleagues, are the same group that is at the beginning of the list for spreading and disseminating propaganda and conspiracies, inciting and provoking.

These major opponents seem to still see the light of hope in their hearts, believing they have a way back to the homeland and that the shattered dream they have nurtured can once again be turned into the ominous reality of the country’s history. But in reality, they certainly know that such a thing is impossible and that there isn’t even a shot in the dark to illuminate the horizon.

Similarly, following them, the lower-ranking and lower-tiered opponents, who have now been freed from the circle of servitude and seem to roam freely like birds, have attracted media attention and are speaking about their own observations and experiences regarding the opposition leaders and their ultimate abuse of power and force against the nation and homeland.

It seems that with this action against their own masters, they think that by freeing themselves from the trap and showing themselves as independent from previous currents, they can paint a white picture for themselves and cover up their past.

Therefore, this isolated group is trying to find independent positions for themselves and, by attracting the attention of any foreign power with various lies and tricks, they entertain the delusion that perhaps now is the opportunity for them to rise and become the leaders of power in the country with foreign support.

Unaware that no matter what rope they cling to and hold tightly, it will be of no use and will bring no benefit. Because history has now recorded all of them as opponents and traitors of the homeland and has set them aside, so that no matter what they do and at whatever door they knock, they cannot erase the stain of their past betrayals.

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