The leadership of the Interim Government has issued a message extending Eid greetings to all Muslims and citizens of Afghanistan. The message urges the Afghan people to embrace unity and mutual acceptance after decades of conflict and hardship. It also stresses the importance of defending the current Shariah-based governance and system against any conspiracies.

The message further reassures that the security forces are working diligently to ensure the country’s complete security. Additionally, the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the country’s courts, and other relevant institutions are mandated to ensure the implementation of Islamic law and take comprehensive action to eliminate and prevent corruption.

The leadership’s message also emphasizes the government’s commitment to the country’s reconstruction and development, alongside religious progress, with hundreds of large and small projects being executed annually for this purpose.

In the Eid message, religious scholars are urged to fulfill their role in properly educating the youth and combating corruption.

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