Writer: Shir Agha Shirzad

The fugitive leaders, after failing to attract the attention of Western countries in countering the caretaker government over the past three years and becoming completely disillusioned with their support, have now turned to those whom they previously called conditional supporters of the caretaker government and even accused its leaders of being subservient to these countries.

Recently, there have been reports that the fugitive leaders of the opposition groups to the caretaker government intend to sell their homeland to Pakistan in order to gain power and position. Reports indicate that high-ranking leaders of the Resistance Front met with the head of Pakistan’s ISI in Tajikistan and requested Pakistan’s political and military support against the current Afghan government. These leaders argued that the Pakistani Taliban, which poses a serious threat to the Pakistani government, is a branch of the Afghan Taliban, and they asked Pakistan to support them against the Taliban, as the TTP would also weaken if the Taliban government is overthrown.

However, the head of Pakistan’s ISI has demanded the recognition of the Durand Line in exchange for supporting this group. It is said that this delegation agreed to the head of Pakistan’s ISI’s request to recognize the Durand Line with certain preconditions and committed to recognizing it if these preconditions are met. However, it is still not clear what the preconditions of this disgraceful deal will be. What is known about the dire situation of the opposing groups is that the preconditions might include providing safe havens for fleeing leaders in Pakistan, establishing recruitment centers, political pressure on the caretaker government, and keeping this deal hidden from the people of Afghanistan.

The history of Afghanistan is a witness, and experiences have shown that any kind of deal over the land of Afghanistan is doomed to failure, and the dealers have been disgraced and humiliated throughout history. While this group accused the caretaker government from its inception of being an instrument in the hands of Pakistan’s ISI and always claimed that the Taliban fight under the command of Pakistan’s ISI, recent developments have clearly shown that the true and loyal sons of this land are the leaders of the current Afghan government. Those who sold Afghanistan to NATO member countries are now seeking to negotiate the Durand Line with Pakistan’s ISI.

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