As long as Afghanistan was under the control of the opposition and even the occupiers, the accounts of the current situation, wars, thefts and embezzlements were unknown. Affairs continued in the same traditional and dire manner and no one could ask why it was so and why it was not.
There was no power in society to ask the question: why are the national and natural resources of the country extracted every day, but not used for the development of the homeland? Why does the situation worsen every day, but does not improve or get organized?
Why does the influence and power of foreigners in the homeland increase every day and the suspicion that the homeland is occupied and colonized is not reflected at all?
Because the answer was as clear and bright as the sun; since the government was in the hands of Western mercenaries and their puppets held the reins of power, the defenseless nation could not find a stone to hide behind to escape the treachery and calamity of their own people. Let alone to shorten the hand of the oppressor from oppression or to rise against him who was seated on the throne of power.
Therefore, no voice was raised and whatever happened was forgotten in complete secrecy and neglect.
But with the rise of the caretaker government and the thwarting of all the opponents’ plots, as well as their fleeing to the embrace of the West, all the truths were revealed. It became clear that those who claimed to be patriots and nationalists were nothing more than puppets who abandoned their homeland in times of crisis and sought refuge in the arms of their masters.
Today, nearly four years after the establishment of the caretaker government, the truths have become very clear and evident to the nation. It has been shown who held power in the previous government, with what mindset and ideology and with what goals they governed the country.
Because when a country and its leaders lack national and popular support, and the rulers themselves do not have a benevolent vision for the country, it is clear that the country will either head towards collapse and disintegration, or at the first opportunity, it will attract the greedy eyes of other invading countries for occupation.
Especially when a country like Afghanistan is filled with natural resources, mines, metals and an important geographical position in Asia.
These two matters caused Afghanistan to be deprived of development and progress and powerful countries to launch military attacks on it under false and baseless pretexts, seeking to establish operational bases for themselves in the region.
However, thanks to the Almighty Allah, the enemies, both foreign and domestic, were defeated, and the country was not allowed to become a playground for other countries against regional security.
Instead, power and governance were entrusted to the current rulers and administrators, who were chosen from the well-meaning people of the nation to manage affairs, preserve independence and promote the country’s development, so that the country would shine with progress on the outside and be a hub for the implementation of Islamic laws and a jewel in the ring of Islamic countries on the inside.
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