The claims of the imaginary and Facebook-based movement known as the Front of Resistance, despite the passage of four years, have still not been able to unite among themselves for resistance against the caretaker government in Afghanistan or gain the trust of international and regional countries. The last hopes of this front, which were expected to be supported by Donald Trump, are being drowned by the current developments and the policies of the Trump administration.
This Facebook_based front was formed in August 2021 after the interim government’s takeover of Kabul, and it has since been grappling with the usurpation of power by the leader’s family on one hand and the challenges of corruption on the other.
Although this imaginary front occasionally spreads rumors about attacks on the caretaker government’s employees in several provinces and the capital Kabul than foreign media outlets like Amu, Hasht-e-Subh, Zawia, Azadi and International TV give high-level coverage to these baseless news, it still lacks any regional and public support both domestically and internationally.
The United States, the European Union and regional countries believe that this group, known as the Resistance, has not been able to create a common consensus regarding Afghanistan’s political future or to resist the interim government in Afghanistan; similarly, Afghans also consider the activities of this front to be futile and a sign of the country’s disintegration.
Some officials and politicians of the overthrown Republic government also believe that the talks about resistance against the Islamic Emirate led by Ahmad Massoud, son of Ahmad Shah Massoud, are merely deceiving the people and filling their own pockets through international intelligence agencies. The Islamic Emirate also describes this front’s resistance as Facebook and Twitter-based and considers all its claims as lies and mere rumors.
Analysts point to the absence of a physical presence as a fundamental reason for the defeat of the Resistance Front. According to them, the Resistance Front does not control even a small piece of land in the country and has not yet been able to demonstrate its physical presence to the Afghan people and the international community.
While the lack of physical presence and ground control is a major challenge for any resistance, if a front does not have a specific area, not only are military operations complicated for them, but their political credibility on the international stage is also negligible. For an effective resistance, geographical dominance, organized leadership, financial resources and public support are essential, none of which the so-called resistance front possesses.
Some time ago, the spokesperson of this front warned of extensive attacks in an interview with the BBC, but after several months, they have still not been able to continue their attacks against the caretaker government. Additionally, this front still does not have control over a single square inch of the country.