Writer: Ghulam Nabi Forozan

Afghanistan has long been trapped by powerful enemies and global imperialism, suffering various trials and tribulations, and each time its body was wounded by a poisoned axe.

But during this period, the wounds inflicted by their own people and sons were the most painful and bloody, those that tore and shredded the garments of this country’s honor and pride.

These opponents ruled continuously for years, expanded their dominance, strengthened and broadened the influence of the occupiers in every direction, silenced the voices of the rightful, the truth-seekers and the fighters, and suppressed them by every means possible.

But after the opponents fled, the collapse of the occupiers’ dream palace and the disintegration of the opponents’ fanciful dream of perpetual power in this pure land, Afghanistan seemed to awaken from a long and terrifying sleep and watched the sunrise of a new day.

However, this group of foreign-educated individuals and supporters of foreign plans seem not to have awakened from their slumber of negligence and do not believe that enough is enough and that Afghanistan should be allowed to breathe easily and think of a better future.

Therefore, they continue to beg for foreign support in foreign countries and hold numerous meetings, looking for a supporter.

Because the countries or individuals who directly and indirectly supported them during the Republic era and gave them power and strength have stopped their support and blocked their contributions with the arrival of the new government in Afghanistan.

But these opponents seem unwilling to accept that their era of power has come to an end and their supporters have deserted them.

Although they have lost hope in their previous supporters, they are still trying to find new ones. Unfortunately, those they approach and try to impress with their thousand tricks and deceit cannot win any favorable opinion.

Because foreign enemies and occupiers, although they believe in political change in Afghanistan, they know that these burnt chess pieces are no longer useful for political games and do not count on them. Just as the Afghan nation knows them, they know them even better, their past betrayals and dark history are well known to them.

Therefore, just as the proud Afghan nation and the new Afghan government are aware of their past betrayals and never forget them, foreigners are also not deceived by their media shows and do not open the way for their support.

Therefore, they prefer to sever ties with these groups, engage in negotiations with the caretaker government, and find a suitable and alternative path for their interests.

In the end, it is only these traitors who are the opponents, having neither a crown on their heads nor power in their hands, running around aimlessly in every direction.

Of course, it is also possible that all these efforts are merely lies, deception, and self-promotion to whitewash their former dark reputation in the media.

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