Dalwa 26 marks the anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet occupying forces from Afghanistan; a superpower that, in its quest to dominate the Afghan nation and strengthen the shaky foundations of its puppet government, entered the soil of this land and committed countless crimes and atrocities over a ten-year period.
During all this time, the Soviet Union, in order to implement its sinister plans, set every corner of this land ablaze with gunpowder and targeted the innocent people of Afghanistan—young and old, men and women and even the oppressed children—from land and air.
The Afghan nation, under the dark shadow of the Soviet Union, endured various forms of oppression and horrific crimes. Thousands were martyred, millions were injured and several million more became refugees. However, these atrocities did not diminish the steely resolve and firm belief of this nation, but rather strengthened their stance against the occupiers.
Yes! The Mujahid-loving people of Afghanistan, with empty hands but with firm faith and strong reliance on their Lord, stood up against the Soviet Union and its mercenaries and by sacrificing their lives, they recorded a new chapter of glory and honor for the Afghan nation in history.
At that time, the Soviet Union, by occupying Afghanistan, not only failed to maintain its puppet government but also, with a humiliating defeat against the brave people of this land, shook the foundations of this infamous union and after a relatively short period, its foundation completely collapsed.
After the end of the occupation and the subsequent fall of the communist regime in Afghanistan, when an exceptional opportunity arose to achieve the goals of the jihad, warlords and ambitious leaders each mocked and trampled upon the aspirations of the Afghan people to establish an Islamic state for their personal gain.
It was during those days that the self-proclaimed leaders, instead of uniting and healing the deep wounds of the suffering nation, became a scourge upon the people and initiated battles more devastating than the time of the occupation.
The people of Afghanistan, while stepping towards a bright tomorrow after the occupation, fell into the treacherous traps of warlords and their malevolent parties and were abandoned in even darker nights.
During the civil wars, the masks of the warlords were removed and the suffering people of this land realized the true nature of these individuals; leaders who, in the name of religion and jihad, opened shops for themselves and pursued their carnal desires through this means.
Finally, after years, according to divine tradition, the dark night of the warlords, like that of other oppressors, came to an end and the people of Afghanistan achieved their noble goal of establishing an Islamic system in Afghanistan, putting an end to all these calamities and sufferings.
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