The opponents of the caretaker government, who have caused numerous misfortunes over the past twenty years in Afghanistan, from signing the infamous “Bonn Agreement” to being the reason for the invaders’ entry into Afghanistan, and also the main cause of twenty years of war, destruction, martyrdom, and devastation of Afghans, all of these have been them.
After the efforts, sacrifices and martyrdoms of the Afghan nation over twenty years bore fruit and the cunning and arrogant enemy of this land, the treacherous America, was defeated and Afghanistan was liberated, the leader of the caretaker government announced a general amnesty for all enemies of this movement and system.
However, unfortunately, the leaders of the Republic government, instead of taking advantage of the general amnesty and living honorably alongside the nation in their own land, preferred a humiliating life in neighboring countries and at the gates of foreigners.
Over the past four years, these opponents have not remained idle and have been striving to turn the security and peace that the Afghan government has established for the oppressed Afghan people in this land, under which security, economy and Afghan assets have flourished, back into the same stinking legacy of insecurity, chaos and thousands of other miseries.
So it can be said that the opponents of the caretaker government are seeking to revive a legacy of insecurity, murder, massacre, destruction and devastation in this land; a repugnant legacy that has caused the loss of Afghan dignity and honor in the political, military, economic and cultural arenas worldwide and has portrayed the Afghan nation over the past twenty years as a base and subservient people, which was unworthy of the Afghan Mujahid and hardworking nation.
The reason why the opponents of the caretaker government are still seeking to create a crisis in Afghanistan is that each of them has been dependent on an intelligence agency and has derived income from this source. Today, they consider it their duty to continue the same path they have previously taken to fill their pockets.
So what is important at this juncture is that the opponents of the caretaker government must understand that the Afghans, with their knowledge of these opponents, have stood firm this time with unwavering resolve and will not allow this land to become a battleground for regional and global rivalries again, nor will they allow the independence and freedom of the Afghans to be taken away.
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