On August 15, 2021, with the fall of the Republic, Amrullah Saleh went to Panjshir Valley and together with Ahmad Massood, announced the formation of an armed group called the Resistance Front against the Taliban. However, after a brief resistance, they were defeated, and the Taliban took control of Panjshir.
At that time, some of the Taliban’s opponents accused this front of wanting to limit the opposition to one tribe and a specific valley named Panjshir; this action created obstacles and delays for the unity of all Taliban opponents and made it impossible for them to unite under a single name and stance.
The first vice president of the fallen republic, Amrullah Saleh, who was an arrogant, haughty, and self-centered person, now does not want to work under the command of a political child and be subordinate to him; with this intention, he distanced himself from the resistance front, as the responsibility of that front lies with Ahmad Massood, the son of Ahmad Shah Massood.
Saleh also has a long history in espionage activities; time will tell how much he is trusted by foreign intelligence organizations and whether he will move ahead of Ahmad Massood.
The separation of Amrullah Saleh from the Resistance Front may have several reasons; recently, internal conflicts among the Taliban’s opposing groups and imaginary fronts have reached their peak, some confidential secrets have been revealed, and their true faces have been exposed to the Afghan people. In this context, important secrets of the Resistance Front have also been disclosed, and despite the increasing internal conflicts, they have also been exposed to the public.
A while ago, Amrullah Saleh held a meeting in Tajikistan with several other disgruntled members of the Resistance Front, such as Zahir Aghbar, Ghulam Bahauddin Jilani, and Ayub Salangi. After lengthy discussions, they reached an agreement to form a new front under the leadership of Amrullah Saleh.
They are dissatisfied with the self-interest, arrogance, and fame-seeking behavior of Ahmad Massoud’s team and the Massood family front. These few individuals, who are preparing for the formation of the new front, also criticize Ahmad Massood and his team for collecting aid from some foreign countries and distributing it only among their close circle and limited individuals.
Amrullah has begun recruiting for the creation of a new front and is gathering a number of notorious figures. He also has an intelligence and propaganda address called the Green Movement, which has played a significant role in his prominence; during the fallen republic, members of the House of Representatives stated in a general meeting that the Green Movement is an intelligence organization and has been funded and supported by a foreign country since its inception.
The head of that assembly, Mir Rahman Rahmani, also claimed to have documents and evidence that the Green Movement is linked to a foreign country and is a project of that country.
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