There is no doubt that legitimacy is achieved when a movement or group has been a true supporter of the people in the past and during the period of governance and power, has supported them in hardships, and has stood up and defended them against the oppression and tyranny they have faced.
Because legitimacy does not simply mean staying in power at any cost or shedding the blood of the country’s youth for no reason in any battlefield. Legitimacy does not mean plundering national assets, looting the country’s resources, depleting natural reserves, and destroying the country’s financial system.
According to Fazl Fazli, head of the former government’s affairs department, “the Taliban’s political opponents and Afghanistan’s former politicians receive all their programs and resources from foreign countries.”
So how can one expect to trust such figures, who are directed and funded from abroad on the chessboard of politics, and hand over the fate of the country to them, when it is clear from the very beginning that they are tools in the hands of the enemies?!
Therefore, it must be accepted that the individuals of the former regime and the political groups affiliated with them cannot have legitimacy without the support of the nation, and they should not mistakenly think that they can decide on behalf of the people and compromise with anyone regarding their fate.
The issue that has emerged in the media following the fall of these groups is the deep divisions among them and their inability to reach a common agreement.
Conflicting interests are the main obstacle to creating a consensus among the opposing groups.
Fazl Fazli continues in his interview: “A large number of the Taliban’s political opponents, who held meetings in Ankara, Vienna, and Spain in recent weeks, have been accused of trying to pave the way for another war in Afghanistan.”
Afghanistan, which has not yet recovered from the wounds caused by the betrayal of these very criminals, is once again at risk of a new war due to the sinister plans of these individuals.
But such a war is neither practical nor possible; because Afghanistan today enjoys security and stability, the security forces have gained order and cohesion, and the conditions are not such that the ground is prepared for the flames of war to reignite.
In any case, how can those who still consider war and bloodshed as the only solution expect their words to be heard within the country?!
It is absolutely impossible for such thoughts to arise from individuals who are truly loyal to this land and nation.
But, the fleeing opponents have immature thoughts and sinister goals, and they are willing to sacrifice any value for their personal interests.
For this reason, these fugitives and traitors have no place among the people of Afghanistan. Their flight revealed the true nature of their character and showed how they are willing to consider Afghanistan their personal property for their own benefit and hold conspiratorial meetings and sessions to destroy it.
Unbeknownst to them, the Afghan nation has become aware today and will never allow such treacherous and dependent individuals to return to power and impose destructive plans on the country.
On the other hand, how can groups that are unable to reach an agreement even in their meetings and suffer from internal conflicts expect to take control of Afghanistan again and govern the country?
These hesitations and contradictions have closed the path to legitimacy for them and left no place for them in this country.
If someone strives for the progress and prosperity of the country and serves the people, the nation will undoubtedly support them, stand behind them, and sacrifice for their authority.
But these concepts are incomprehensible to the fleeing opponents and traitors of the country, as they have always ruled without the support of the people, maintained their power by force, and consistently suppressed the rights of the people.
Fazl Fazli, in another part of his interview, referred to the issue of the current Afghan government’s lack of recognition and said: “The Taliban came to power in Afghanistan based on the Doha Agreement, but nearly four years later, no country in the world has recognized them or engaged in any formal interaction with them.”
However, there is no doubt that the current Afghan government continues its efforts to gain international legitimacy. The delay in this process does not mean failure or weakness.
In the past, there have been many governments that took years to be recognized but ultimately managed to establish their position.
Moreover, the lack of formal recognition has not had a negative impact on the country’s economy. On the contrary, the process of reconstruction and development continues, and the country’s situation is improving.
Note: The articles, essays, and comments published in Hindukush Voice only reflect the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the agreement of Hindukush Voice.