The green light given by the agents of evil and corruption to Pakistan’s long-standing aspiration of over 70 years has become a point of contention among the officials of the fallen republic and other anti-Taliban groups, and in recent days, it has turned into a hot topic on social media.
A few days ago, Hafiz Mansoor, a member of the leadership of the groups of evil and corruption and the head of the Masood Foundation, in response to a question about the Durand Line in an interview, said: “All the borders determined for Afghanistan are respected by us, we consider them international, and we have no legal claims or objections in this regard.”
The statement came after the head of Pakistan’s intelligence agency (ISI) met with the president of Tajikistan; According to information received by Voice of the Hindu Kush, the ISI chief has assured the Tajik president that he will support the Front of Resistance in favor of Pakistan’s interests and against Afghanistan.
This information became more credible when Habib-ur-Rahman Hesam, the head of the Scholars Committee(!) of the Resistance Front, claimed on his X page that India, the United States, Britain, and Saudi Arabia would pay proxy groups to wage war and disintegrate Pakistan, and the mission of these groups would be to disintegrate Pakistan. However, the outcome would be the opposite, and Afghanistan would no longer be on the political map.
The aspirations related to removing Afghanistan from the political map of the world are directly linked to Mansoor’s interview, the assurance of the head of the ISI, and the main goals and charter of the Resistance Front, as this front cannot tolerate the existence of Afghanistan as an independent geography. Nevertheless, these aspirations have caused internal conflicts within the Resistance Front and provoked strong reactions against them.
A person named Qari Isa Mohammadi, who is considered one of the prominent members of the Resistance Front, was detained at the airport in Iran and prevented from traveling. After that, he appeared in important political meetings of the Resistance Front.
Recently, the Voice of Hindukush released confidential audio clips of Isa Mohammadi and Sattar Hosseini, which has now put Isa Mohammadi under severe pressure due to his support for this front. He reacted strongly to Hafiz Mansoor’s interview regarding the acceptance of the Durand Line as an official border, dependence on Pakistan, and Habib-ur-Rehman Hesam’s statements about removing Afghanistan from the political map.
Isa Mohammadi has strongly criticized the position of the Resistance Front and expressed his opposition to it; meanwhile, high-ranking officials of the overthrown republic have also condemned Mansoor’s opinion and expressed their disagreement.
Aspirations related to the removal of Afghanistan and the acceptance of the Durand Line as an official border have caused broader disputes among the members of the Resistance Front. In this regard, some key figures of this front are increasingly distancing themselves from its ranks, and their internal conflicts are intensifying day by day.