Major works are always carried out in the light of the gathering of individuals and superior thoughts, and sometimes multiple collective wisdoms, resulting in achieving outcomes.
It doesn’t matter whether these gatherings and unifications are for achieving noble, healthy, and beneficial goals or for fulfilling selfish, wicked, and malevolent desires!
What matters is forming an organization based on paying fees for each individual and each group from what is obtained and accumulated.
In the meantime, our focus is on the groups of evil and corruption who, in the past, sat cross-legged at the lavish table of Afghanistan’s treasury and, as long as they had breath in their lungs and strength in their hands, devoured, stole, and hoarded the national wealth.
The leaders of these groups, each of whom had name, fame, power, and influence in different parts of Afghanistan, are more concerned with the fact that they collected a lot for themselves and their relatives, kept it hidden, and in the end, during times of rise and fall, took it with them and spent it abroad. They continue to do so, and with the favor of those countless slaves, they still rebel against the caretaker government of Afghanistan, boast, and make grand claims.
However, despite all this, the important point is that those groups and gatherings will always be established and remain steadfast, and the unity and solidarity among them will always endure, built on pure, healthy, clear, and divine goals, with the intention of serving the religion and the nation.
As long as the groups of evil and corruption sat cross-legged at the table of Afghanistan, and anyone who stood beside them ate from that vast and abundant spread and took according to their cowardly ambition, they appeared united and together, and no one complained about anyone else or thought about how much and in what manner the other was taking.
But now that those opportunities have vanished, that grand feast has been gathered up, and the majority of such people have left the homeland, gradually and one by one, it has come time to expose national thefts, grand embezzlements, and major betrayals. Each person accuses their own group members, especially their leaders and chiefs, of a thousand types of theft, plunder, and looting, counting the accusations one by one like bitter coffee beans.
The reason for these criminal and treacherous statements is also the cessation of the same amounts that used to come to them without any accounting in the past. However, now that the source has been cut off, the deposits have also stopped, and the lower-ranking members of the groups of evil and corruption have reached a dead end and are left empty-handed.
Therefore, in secret and in corners, they must have sent messages to their bosses and superiors, saying that we need money and resources and reminding them of past favors. But when they received negative and dismissive responses, they found no other way but to expose each other’s secrets and reveal the truths behind the scenes.
What is currently heating up the media and virtual space is the exposure of these behind-the-scenes truths of plunder, betrayal, and crime, which members of each group of evil and corruption are revealing.
The reason for these exposures has been the asymmetry of pure intentions and having sinister and selfish goals, which today that old, rotten rope has frayed and disappeared, and neither side has any reason to keep the other’s secrets hidden.
Note: The articles, essays, and comments published in Hindukush Voice only reflect the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the agreement of Hindukush Voice.